Trademark API

Applicant Name
(Company/Firm/Trust/Individual/Startup/Small Enterprise)

Address of the Applicant
(The address mentioned on the documents of the company with pin code)

Type of Organization
(In case of startup or small enterprises reg. document required)

Full Name of the Signatory

On Behalf of Company

(In case of partnership firm, all partners names are required)

Designation of Signatory

Nationality of Signatory

Father’s / Husband’s Name of Signatory

Residence Address of Signatory

Date of Birth of Signatory

Mark or Brand Name

Trademark Type
Wordmark and Logo mark are 2 different applications even if the class remain same.

Significance Of The Mark

Goods / Services (Exact)

Trade Description

User Date Of The Brand Name

  • Proposed to be use
  • Already in use
    In case of already in use, affidavit is required to be filed, You can send that via post/courier.

Contact Details
Contact Person Name

Contact Person Number

Decision Taker Name

Decision Taker Number

Email Address
